How to Get Started

Home Organization: Five Part Series

In the second article of our five part series on home organization, written by Mara Clements of MoreSPACE, we look at the starting point of the organizing process and how we encounter our owned objects.

As we begin to organize, we have to acknowledge that we aren’t just sorting objects here, we are sifting through memories. The process could be accompanied by a lot of different emotions like overwhelm, stress, and fear, but it most certainly has the potential to bring you peace, freedom, and MoreSPACE!  (See what I did here?)

Schedule it. If you know you’re energized as you see progress, schedule consecutive times in your calendar to tackle each space/room/category that you want to simplify. If you are prone to overwhelm, schedule a short block once a week. Pick a time you know you have the most energy (I get the most done in the morning). Put on your work-out clothes and some good music, grab a water bottle and a snack, and you’re ready to rock! Remember to listen to your body and go at your own pace. Right-sizing is a form of self-care.

Create a plan. You can start with the most overwhelming room if you like a challenge, or pick the smallest drawer or cabinet if you need some instant gratification. Instead of choosing one room, you can consider choosing one category (like clothing, papers, or books) to tackle first. Marie Kondo suggests starting with the easiest categories (like clothes) and working your way to the harder stuff like paperwork and memorabilia.

As you can see, scheduling time and creating a plan are the first steps for success. Don’t rush through this part. If you begin with intention, you are more likely to follow through and accomplish your goal.

Sharing your strategy and your timeline with a trusted friend or professional is another great idea. I’d love to see what you’re planning! Feel free to message me on Instagram @morespace_organizing or email me at

Next week we’ll start sorting! We’ll create stations, make decisions and say goodbye to things that don’t belong in our lives. Stay tuned and check us out on Instagram @moresapce_organizing in the meantime, or online at

Photos: Shelah Riley Photography