Open Doors

Open Doors is Habitat’s 5-year, $4 million campaign to build 30 homes! 


Open Doors is shaping Habitat’s future, empowering our team with the tools we need to serve more families through affordable homeownership. The initiative seeks to raise $4 million to increase of our construction output by 50 percent through 2026… and put us in the position to build more for years to come. As our organization enters the final leg of our fundraising effort, we will turn to our shared communities to help us cross the finish line by raising the last $1 million of our total goal.

What We've Raised
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Our goal is to raise $4 million by end of this year, which will fund our 30-home build goal. We have $400,000 to go! Our team will look to the community over the coming months to help us cross the finish line. You can designate your gift to Open Doors here or contact Vice President of Development and Communications Amy Balestier at [email protected] and (223) 444-6415 to discuss a gift that is right and meaningful to you. Together, we can build MORE!

Partner Highlight

Many thanks to the local breweries and pubs that are supporting Open Doors through our House That Beer Built effort… Lebanon Gin Mill, Rotunda Restaurant & Brewery, Snitz Creek, Decades, Bierhall, Iron Hill and Spring House Brewery. Together, they are raising funds and awareness for our 30-home campaign through in-house promotions. Please click on our “events” icon above to see the remaining dates to have a sip or bite in support of Habitat, including our evening at Spring House Brewery during this year’s ExtraGive on November 22nd! 

How We're Growing

It goes without saying that if we can build more homes, we can serve more families. Open Doors is designed to grow our production pace to do exactly that. And mid-way through our five-year campaign, we can already see the difference. In the past 6 months alone, we have matched 12 families to their future Habitat home! “House match” happens when a homebuyer completes 100 or 200 hours of their total required sweat equity requirements (based on single or double head of household).  Once they reach this milestone, their dream of homeownership starts to really take shape as a reality! 

In the remaining months of 2024, we anticipate also hosting 3 home dedications. Together with earlier dedications, we will celebrate 8 this year!