Housing Resources
If our program is not a good fit for your family, please contact other housing agencies listed below.
Please first try calling United Way 2-1-1 or visit www.uwlanc.org and www.unitedwaylebco.org before contacting the organizations below.
Short-term/Permanent Housing:
- Clare House 717-291-8967 www.clarehouselancaster.org
- Transitional Living Center 717-397-0156 www.tlclancaster.org
- Water Street Mission 717-393-7709 www.wsm.org
- Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership 717-291-9945 www.lhop.org
- YWCA Permanent Residence 717-393-1735
- Tenfold 717-397-5182 www.wearetenfold.org
- HOPES Homeless Resource Center 717-274-7528
- Lebanon Rescue Mission Men’s Shelter 717-273-2301
- Agape Family Shelter 717-272-6573
Public Housing:
- Lancaster City Housing Authority 717-397-2835 www.lchapa.com
- Lancaster County Housing & Redevelopment Authority 717-394-0793 www.lchra.com
Workforce/Affordable Housing:
- Community Basics 717-735-9590 www.communitybasics.com
- Housing Development Corporation 717-291-1911 www.hdcweb.com
- Spanish American Civic Association 717-397-6267 www.sacapa.org
- Lebanon County Community Action Partnership 717-273-9328
Repair Programs
General Repair Programs
- City of Lancaster, Critical Repairs (Lancaster residents only) 717-291-4730
- Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PA residents) 855-827-3466 www.phfa.org
- Community Action Agency of Delaware County (PA residents) 610-521-8770 www.caadc.org
- Lancaster County Housing & Redevelopment Authorities (County residents, not City) 717-394-0793 www.lchra.com/home-repair/
- Tenfold: Columbia Home Repairs and SoWe Home Repairs 717-291-9945 www.wearetenfold.org
- United Disability Services 888-837-4235 www.udservices.org
- Center for Independent Living of Central PA 717-731-1900 www.cilcp.org
- Self-Determination Housing Project of PA 610-873-9595 www.sdhp.org
Landlord and Rental Assistance
- Tenfold 717-291-9945 www.wearetenfold.org