Call For Artists

ReStore Mural Proposal

Location:Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 1061 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA 17601

Lancaster Lebanon Habitat for Humanity (LLHFH) is seeking proposals for a mural to adorn the mezzanine of the to-be-constructed ReStore. The mural will be located inside and will therefore not require neighborhood or township approval but will need to be approved by both the tenant (LLHFH) and landlord (Deerin Co).  Because it is new construction, the surface has been prepared and there are no technical issues to address. 

Dimensions of mural: The proposed wall space would be approximately 112’ in length and can be between 4-10’ in height. There is a single window in the proposed area. Although the blue stripe wraps around the corner, there is no expectation that the mural would follow that path.

Mural Description: The purpose of the mural is to demonstrate LLHFH’s contributions to Lancaster and Lebanon counties as well as the relationship between the ReStore’s donations and sales and the home-building program. Design elements could include Lancaster and Lebanon landmarks, LLHFH volunteers building homes, partner families living in their Habitat homes, shoppers making purchases at the ReStore, and/or donors making donations of furniture and building materials to the ReStore.

Color Palette: The color palette would be largely at the artist(s)’s discretion however, Pantone 638 and Pantone 382 will be used widely throughout the rest of the building and we’d like to maintain cohesion.

Proposal Requirements: 

     1) a brief narrative and concept drawing of the proposed design 

     2) an itemized budget of all associated costs

     3) timetable for completion

     4) artist qualifications ie. Portfolio/CV and samples of previous work of this scale/scope

    5) contact information

Submitting Proposals: Proposals should be submitted via email to: [email protected] 

Sample Murals:

HFH MidOhio


HFH Laramie County